Анкета shorty77
- Я:
- Женщина
- Возраст:
- 48
- Знак зодиака:
- Козерог
- Страна:
- Соединенные Штаты Америки
- регион
- Colorado
- Город:
- Denver
Я ищу:
- Пол
- Мужчину
- Возраст:
- 30 - 50
- Страна:
- Соединенные Штаты Америки
- Регион:
- —
- Город:
- —
- Любимый вид спорта:
- —
- Интересы:
- —
Обо мне
I'm funny, I have a good sense humor, I love to laugh at jokes and comedy. Laughing makes me feel good and happy.
I'm ambitious in working hard and keeping my priorities straight. I'm perserverant, I don't care what people say about me. I keep doing my best.
I don't like drama, drama is pure negativity. It ruins the day and a good mood. Drama is not my scene, I avoid it and walk away.
I don't like politicians, all they do is compete against each other, finger point each other. I don't like what they represent, they're arrogant, , liers, selfish, they're ruining everything. That's why I don't vote anymore.
I don't do drugs, I don't drink ( just occasionally) I stay out of trouble, my life is work and stay home. I don't go clubbin or to bars that's not my scene. I do like the mountains, walks at the park, creeks, dine out, watch a movie ( at the movie theatre not at your house), I like picnics, amusement parks, concerts.
By the way, I'm a Broncos fan. GO BRONCOOOOOSSS
О партнере
I like a man that has a good sense of humor, likes jokes and comedy, loves to laugh, likes to be playfull, (tickles me chase me around play hide and go seek) likes to cuddle and affectionate. I like a man that is civilized about work, communicating, contributing, problem solving, and brainstorming.
What turns me off about a man is, controling, substance abuse, jealousy, drinks excessively, starts fights, makes scenes in public, violent, agressive, pushing, animal abuse, innapropriate language, perverted, rude, gold digger, mooches, imature, no manners, felonies and misdameanors.
- Телосложение:
- Обычное
- Дети:
- 2
- Страна происхождения:
- Соединенные Штаты Америки
- Отношение к алкоголю:
- Выпиваю в компании
- Образование:
- Школа
- Рассовая принадлежность:
- Латиноамериканец
- Цвет глаз:
- Коричневые
- Цвет волос:
- Светло-каштановый
- Длина волос:
- Короткие
- Рост:
- 157 см
- Семейное положение:
- В разводе
- Вид деятельности:
- Другое
- Религия:
- Католик
- Отношение к курению:
- Бросаю курить
- Годовой доход:
- Вид спорта:
- Расстояние: