Profilo di Brenda72825
- Sono:
- Donna
- Età:
- 58
- Segno Zodiacale:
- Gemelli
- Nazione:
- Stati Uniti d'America
- Regione:
- California
- Città:
- Citrus Heights
- Sesso
- Donna
- Età:
- 42 - 57
- Nazione:
- Stati Uniti d'America
- Regione:
- —
- Città:
- —
- Sport preferiti:
- —
- Interessi:
- —
Su di me:
I've been out of the game for a little while but want to get back at it. Looking for someone who will be patient with me while I get the dust off my clubs! Although my game doesn't reflect it I've been playing since I was five. My father didn't have a boy, so he cut down a set of clubs and threw me out there pretty early. . . he was hoping for Nancy Lopez and an early retirement. He got the early retirement! There's nothing better than spending the day golfing and having some laughs. . . . . sometimes just laughing at my game :)