RaChEl19 29
アメリカ, Pasadena

hannah kim 42
アメリカ, New York

astarr 44
アメリカ, Columbia

Jch757 33
アメリカ, Newport News

alyssa1011 29
アメリカ, Corpus Christi

Drea13 39
アメリカ, Mission

Neosoullover 51
アメリカ, Alexandria, Alexandria City
プロフィール Romanesque
- 性別
- 男性
- 年齢
- 35 - 45
- 国
- アメリカ合衆国
- 地域:
- —
- 都市
- —
- 好きなスポーツ:
- —
- 興味:
- —
He is an educated, refined, artistic, financially secure and emotionally mature man. Based on my experience, I do best with those who have some East Coast and/or European sensibilities -- but more importantly, I am interested in meeting someone who is concerned about humankind and wants to make a difference in the world, both professionally and personally. He must love himself enough to love others and must be willing to put his heart and soul into a long term relationship. Bonus points for a keen sense of humor and multilingual abilities.