Drea13 39
USA, Mission

yourstruly 45
USA, Murray

Jams8521 39
USA, Little River

Kathrancisco 34
USA, Marietta

ShuoYang1989 35
USA, Austin

ms.toi70 54
USA, Fort Worth
Profil for SweetMaddie
Vigtigste info
- Jeg er en:
- Kvinde
- Alder:
- 35
- Stjernetegn:
- Skytte
- Land:
- region
- California
- By:
- Castro Valley
Søger en
- Køn
- mand
- Alder:
- 26 - 35
- Land:
- Region:
- —
- By:
- —
- Yndlingssport:
- —
- Interesser:
- —
Om mig
Hi! My name is Maddie. I am really open minded, honest, truthful, funny person who likes to enjoy life. I am I love spending time with family and friends, traveling, exploring new things, going to movies, and going hiking. I would say I have the best smile and laugh, according to my friends and family.
The craziest thing I have done is going up to a stranger and randomly sstart singing.
Om mine matches
I am looking for someone who has similar values as mine, funny, outgoing, great communication skills, and just great to be around with. Also, a killer smile would be great, too.
- Kropsbygning:
- Børn:
- Vil gerne have børn
- Oprindelsesland:
- Drikkevaner:
- Drikker lidt i sociale sammenhænge
- Uddannelse:
- Bachelor
- Etnisk baggrund:
- Mixed/andre
- Øjenfarve:
- Brun
- Hårfarve:
- Sort
- Hårlængde:
- Skulderlangt
- Højde:
- 160 cm
- Parforholdsstatus:
- Enlig
- Beskæftigelse:
- Faglært
- Religion:
- Ryger:
- Ryger ikke
- Årlig indkomst:
- Sport:
- Distance: